

| Date | Version | Description | | —— | —— | —— | | 2021-10-11 | v0.2.0 | add chart-releaser GitHub action | | 2021-10-06 | v0.2.0 | update cert-manager to 1.5.4
update k8s API version to 0.22.2
migrate to new LiveDNS API (https://api.gandi.net)
add Helm repo with GitHub pages
simplify Dockerfile & switch to Buildx
update make test target (remove shell script)
update README.md with changes made
update GitHub workflow with Buildx
add k8s APF support (k8s >= 1.20) | | 2020-02-26 | v0.1.1 | switch to Docker Hub | | 2020-02-26 | v0.1.0 | initial release |